How to check bank balance :It’s essential to know how much money you have in your account. Checking your bank balance will help you avoid any frauds and curb excessive expenditures as well. With high-speed internet and mobile banking, it’s easy to check bank balance without having to go to the banks to verify bank balance. It’s quite simple for those who have registered with their mobile number with the bank.
How to check bank balance with the account number on mobile
Below is the list of ways one can avail to verify their bank balance.
- Giving Missed Call:
Giving a missed call on a respective bank allotted toll-free number to get SMS with your current balance. This type of service is available for all Savings Account and Current Account holders. This service is available free of cost. You get bank balance in your account through a SMS with a number registered with bank.
- Internet Banking:
You can find your current bank balance by logging into your respective bank with credentials including Username and Password. In addition to verifying bank balance, you can do transactions like paying bills, transferring money, and more. The mobile app can be used to know how much money lying in your account.
- Sending an SMS:
You can send SMS through your registered mobile number to particular assigned numbers of Banks.
- Calling Customer care:
You can talk to a banker to know the available balance in your account. However, it charges customers with additional fees. Bankers are available round the clock to help their customers.
- Setting Up Alerts:
Verifying bank balance manually is a time-consuming process. You can have your bank balance information whenever a transaction occurs by setting up alerts. With alerts, banks send you messages or emails regarding money transactions. When money is credited or deducted from your account, banks will immediately send you messages or alerts with comprehensive information.
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Below is the list of Bankers’ SMS numbers and Missed Call numbers
You’re allowed to send a SMS to get bank balance in your account through the number registered with bank.
S.No | Bank Name | SMS | Missed Calles |
1 | SBI | BAL to 09223766666 | 09223766666 |
2 | Punjab National Bank | ESTMT space last four digits of your A/c number space Email Id to 9264092640 or 5607040 | 1800 180 2223 |
3 | HDFC | bal to 5676712 | 1800-270-3333 |
4 | ICICI | IBAL to 5676766 or 9215676766 | 9594 612 612 |
5 | Axis Bank | BAL 5676782 or 9717000002 | 1800 419 5959 |
6 | IDBI Bank | REG < Space > Account Number to 5676777 or 9820346920 / 9821043718 | 1800-843-1122 |
7 | Canara Bank | CANBALuseridMPIN to 5607060 | 0 9015 483 483 |
8 | Union Bank of India | UBAL to 09223008486 | 09223008586 |
9 | Kotak Mahindra Bank | BAL to 9971056767 or 5676788 | 9718566655 |
10 | Andhra Bank | 9971056767 or 5676788 | 09223011300 |