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How to Use Meesho App To Earn Money Online 2021
Now a days earning money through digital sources has become quite easy. We are seeing many people are earning money through some marketing, freelancing and other sources. In midst of all this, E-Commerce has become an giant which is helping people to earn that extra income for themselves.
So today we are going to see How to use Meesho App to earn money. Meesho is an Online Social E-Commerce platform which was founded by Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal in December 2015. The headquarters of Meesho are in Bengaluru. Both of the founders are graduated from IIT Delhi.
It is one of those platforms which got investment from Facebook. Meesho is unique from other marketplaces and it allows individuals to set up businesses using social apps.
How to register in meesho app
Before you to setup your business, You need to become an registered seller on the platform. Registration is quite an simple process. Just follow these simple steps.
- Visit the official website and click on the start selling button.
- When you click, An Application form of Meesho will open on the screen.
- You have to enter your mobile number here, After that you have to click on Send OTP Button.
- OTP will reach to your mobile via SMS on your mobile number and you must enter that OTP here.
- After that, You have to enter the Email Id and password here and click on the create account button. You have to fill the form, In that form You have to enter GST details here and click on the verify button and after the GST number is verified. Click on the Continue button.
- In the form, You have to give your Pickup Address which should include like Address, Pin Code, Apartment or House, Street Number, State, City.
- Next You have to enter information related to Bank Details. The Bank details will have to be filled on the name based on GST number and you will get payment to the same account.
- Next you have to fill details related to Supplies Details. After entering all the information. Press on the proceed button.
- In this way, You can complete the Meesho Seller Registration.
Also Read :- Meesho Supplier Login Panel – Seller Login Full Details 2021
Meesho App Details 2021
Meesho App is available on Google Play Store and App Store as well. You can download it on your device quite easily. There are Huge Variety of Products available in every category. With 4.4 Star Rating and 871K Reviews this is one of the topmost popular apps. The Size of this app is 14MB and it has recently crossed 100Million Downloads on plays tore.
The Recent update has Auto Correction included to amplify the product search. New Payment Solutions, Such as UPI, have made payments considerably more convenient.
How to earn money through Meesho App 2021 ?

You can earn money by selling products with Meesho App, So let us see how to earn with Meesho platform.
- Open the Meesho App in your Phone. You will be redirected to the Home Page.
- Search for the product you are looking for, For this you can go to collection and find many categories to choose from. Choose the product and you will see the price of the product.
- Once you find the product, You have to share the details on your Whatsapp by tapping on the option Share on Whatsapp. You can also share on other options like Facebook, Instagram and others.
- You can also share the product with a particular person or a group.
- Add the product to the cart by tapping on the option Add To Cart. The Product gets added to the cart.
- Select the size, quantity and other info and proceed to next level by tapping on Continue
- Select the payment method. You can choose Online payment, Cash On Delivery as well. Remember, If you choose COD as your payment method, Then payment will be done only after the product is delivered. For Online Payment, The payment is done through Online Transfer modes.
- Check all the details like Order Total, Product Details and Supplier name and other details.
- Next you can add the margin account or the profit you are looking for the product. The Actual price for the customer includes your profit as well. Just enter the amount.
- Check the final price of the product which also includes your profits as well. You will see the margin you earn for the product. Tap On Proceed. Select the Shipping Address and tap on proceed
- Enter your details like Name, Email and State which will be required to generate the invoices and to send the other updates. Tao On Submit and Proceed.
- This is how you earn the money from Meesho App.
Meesho App Work From Home Jobs
Right now, There are many wonderful Work from home jobs out there. In Fact almost everyone is working from home because of the pandemic. This is a great opportunity for students, housewives.
You can become an reseller on Meesho, This is an simple process. First of all, Resellers do not need to buy the products from Meesho. All you have to do is share the images and videos on your Social Media Platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook and Insta. Your contacts can see the products you have shared on your wall and enquire about the price.
Then you can add a margin to the actual price of the product and sell it to make a profit. This is an amazing online job from home. Meesho takes care of everything, Right from the order details to delivery as well. You just need to focus on making your circle bigger and bigger to sell more.
Now You will get idea about How to Use Meesho App To Earn Money Online 2021.
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